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SD card: Unprotect files - how it works

To prevent accidental deletion of files that are on the SD card, it is equipped with a write protection. To move new files to the SD card or delete existing ones, you must first remove this protection.

How to unprotect an SD card

To copy data from your smartphone, computer or other device to an SD card, it is important that it is not write-protected. Also, if you want to delete data from the SD card, it is necessary to unprotect the card beforehand. If your SD card has a lock switch, this can be used to remove the write protection. To do this, look for the switch on the side of the SD card and move it to the unlock position. Then insert the SD card into the card slot of your device and try again to copy the data to the card or delete it from the card.

Unlock an SD card: These other tips will help

If you continue to have problems trying to copy files to the SD card even after physically unprotecting it, try the following steps to see if they help:
  1. Slide the Unlock switch only halfway over and fix it with some tape to prevent it from moving.
  2. To exclude that there is a defect in the card reader of your computer, plug the SD card test in another card slot or use an external card reader.
  3. If this also does not help, you still have the option to format the SD card by going to "This PC" on the PC, right-click on the card and select the option "Format".

By Clive Kavin

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