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Defragment your laptop - here's how to do it

After using your laptop for a long time, it is recommended to perform defragmentation regularly. This process creates gaps on the hard drive aside and pushes blocks of data together. This frees up memory and allows data to be retrieved more quickly. However, the process is not suitable for every laptop.

Defragmenting a laptop: Here's what you need to watch out for

Defragmentation is not suitable for every laptop. Only laptops with an HDD as a storage medium should defragment.
  1. Hard drives with an HDD architecture read files from start to finish. So if gaps appear there, the search and calculation usually takes much longer.
  2. Defragmentation closes these gaps and the HDD can work faster.
  3. Laptops with an SSD, however, should refrain from the process.
  4. SSD hard drives do not have a read and write head, which means that data is not retrieved sequentially, but quite randomly.
  5. So a defragmentation would order the data, but does not make the processing faster, but only wears out the hard drive.

So führen Sie eine Defragmentierung durch

  1. Öffnen Sie zunächst den Explorer durch die Tastenkombination [Windows] + [E] und wechseln Sie zu „Dieser PC“.
  2. Nun wählen Sie die entsprechende Festplatte mit Rechtsklick aus und wechseln zu „Eigenschaften“.
  3. Navigieren Sie zu „Tools“ und „Optimieren“.
  4. Wählen Sie die gewünschte Partition aus und klicken Sie auf „Optimieren“.
  5. Der Vorgang kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen und darf nicht unterbrochen werden.

By Murial Isby

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