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Which format for Tolino? All info at a glance

The Tolino e-book readers have long been one of the alternatives to Amazon's Kindle devices. Unlike Amazon devices, Tolino's readers rely primarily on open file formats for e-books. Learn which formats are compatible with your Tolino Reader and how to convert other formats.

These file formats are compatible with your Tolino

The Tolino readers mainly rely on electronic publicaion, or EPUB for short. This is an open standard for e-books from the International Publishing Forum (IDPF). The file format allows, for example, a dynamic adaptation of the text to the respective screen size.
  • In addition to the EPUB format, files in PDF format can also be opened on the Tolino e-book readers.
  • In addition, the Tolino e-readers supported the TXT format, which is often used by public lending libraries. This allows you to borrow e-books from appropriate libraries.

Convert e-books to the correct format

Some formats such as .AZW and .Mobi are not supported by the Tolino Reader. However, you can use the free Calibre software to convert the books to a compatible format.
  1. First, add the e-book to your Calibre library.
  2. Then connect your Tolino Reader to the computer via USB cable.
  3. Click "Send to Device" in the toolbar in Calibre. The e-book will then be automatically converted to the correct format and transferred.
Calibre also offers the function to convert multiple e-books at once to a format you specify, as well as an automatic conversion function.

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