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Counter Strike: Global Offensive - an overview of the netsettings

The netsettings tell you about the current quality of Counter Strike: Global Offensive's connection to the server. Changes to the netsettings are easy to make, but are only recommended when problems occur. Read how to open the game's netsettings.

This is the function of the netsettings in Counter Strike Global Offensive

Through the netsettings you have the possibility to adjust the game's connection to the server and improve the playability over the Internet. To make changes to the current netsettings of Counter Strike, you need to be either in the main menu of the game or in Spectator Mode. Please note, however, that you should only change the default netsettings if you experience frequent problems while playing.

Counter Strike Global Offensive: How to get into the netsettings

To view the current connection settings and make or undo changes, please open the console and enter the command "net_graph 1". A table with various information will be displayed.
  1. While "LOSS" shows the amount of data lost between computer and server, the "CHOKE" value indicates whether there is a data jam.
  2. Furthermore, the current values of "cl_updaterate" and "cl_cmdrate" will be displayed and whether they are within the server tick rate. By default, both values are 64 and 128 respectively.
  3. The value at "fps_max" again indicates how many frames per second are generated by the game. This is set to 300 and should not be changed.
  4. The value at "cl_interp", which specifies how many milliseconds are pre-calculated by the game, should also remain unchanged. The reason for this is that this is calculated by the game itself.

By Joappa Liontos

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