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Huawei P30 Pro: Change battery - instructions

Changing the battery on the Huawei P30 Pro is not an easy task for non-professionals. Because in the process you disassemble almost the entire device. With patience and a bit of skill, however, it can be done without a smartphone repair shop.

Change the battery on the Huawei P30 Pro with a repair kit

If you want to change the battery on the Huawei P30 Pro yourself, it is best to use a repair kit that contains the necessary tools and the new battery. You will also need an ordinary hair dryer or a heat gun.
  1. Turn off your Huawei P30 Pro before you start to change the battery.
  2. Now heat the edges of the housing with the hair dryer - this will loosen the glue.
  3. Attach a suction cup on the back towards one side. Then, using the pick and pulling the suction cup, try to get between the halves of the housing and remove the back cover.
  4. Once the device is open, unscrew the nine screws on the upper side. Two screws in the corners are hidden under a black layer of glue.
  5. Remove the pad for wireless charging.
  6. Then carefully remove the cables above the battery one by one. Für den Bus zum Mainboard müssen Sie erneut vier Schrauben lösen, die sich diesmal in der unteren Hälfte des Geräts befinden.
  7. Dann können Sie den Akku vorsichtig entnehmen.
  8. Setzen Sie den neuen Akku in das Huawei P30 Pro ein und folgen Sie der Anleitung rückwärts, um das Smartphone wieder zusammenzubauen.

By Wehrle

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