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EVE Online: Buy Omega - these are the prices

EVE Online has been free-to-play for a few years now, but it's only with paid content that you can take full advantage of all its features. Omega time is the keyword here and we have all the info on the subject.

EVE Online continues to be one of the largest and most important MMOs in the market.

The switch to free-to-play ensured that EVE Online attracted many new players to try out the space MMO. After some time, however, the limits of the free account then become apparent.

EVE Online: Buy Omega Time - Benefits and Prices

With the upgrade to Omega status, you get many advantages, for example:
  • You have access to all 354 ships.
  • The training queue is unlimited, you have all skills at your disposal, in addition, skill progression only takes half the time.
Whoever has gone deep enough into EVE Online to stay on permanently, Omega is thus without alternative. The prices look as follows:
  • One month is available for 14.95 euros.
  • Three months cost a total of 38.85 euros, which is 12.95 euros per month.
  • Six months cost 71.70 euros, which is 11.95 euros per month.
  • A full year (twelve months) is the largest Omega package, for a total of 131.40 euros, or 10.95 euros per month.
With this subscription model, EVE Online is in the price range of many other subscription-based MMOs. Ob sich die Investition lohnt, hängt davon ab, wie viel Zeit Sie in EVE Online verbringen und welchen Anspruch Sie haben.

By Bortman

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