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iPhone X can no longer be unlocked

During various updates of iOS, it has happened that the iPhone could no longer be unlocked as a result. Other problems, whose cause is not directly known, can also lead to such an error. To be able to use the iPhone again, you must proceed as follows.

iPhone X can no longer be unlocked - what now?

The fact that your iPhone can no longer be unlocked can have different causes. In the best case, the problem is simply your battery and you need to connect the device to the charging cable before unlocking.
  1. Should you notice that your iPhone is excessively warm or a low battery level is displayed, connect the iPhone X to the charger first and wait a few minutes before unlocking.
  2. Make sure that the lock pattern is entered correctly. Otherwise, after too many failed attempts, the unlock may be blocked.

iPhone X still can not be unlocked

  1. First restart the iPhone. Drücken Sie dazu abwechselnd erst die Lauter- und dann die Leister-Taste und anschließend die Seitentaste.
  2. Sollte der Neustart alleine das Problem nicht beheben, müssen Sie das iPhone möglicherweise wiederherstellen.
  3. Überprüfen Sie zusätzlich, ob für iOS eine Softwareaktualisierung vorliegt und installieren Sie diese im Zweifelsfall.
  4. Schafft keine der genannten Methoden Abhilfe, müssen Sie das iPhone zur Reparatur einsenden.

By Ingra Krishman

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