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Telegram: Hide number - these steps are necessary

Telegram is an instant messenger for your smartphone and desktop computer. In order to use the app, you will need your mobile number. If you don't want others to see it, you have the option to hide your number via the app's settings.

How to hide your number in Telegram

To use Telegram, you need an account. You create this with your mobile phone number. Usually, you can see the number of other users of an instant messenger app. In Telegram, however, you have the option to hide the number as needed. This way, you can decide for yourself who can see your number and who cannot.
  1. Start the Telegram app on your smartphone. Then open the app's settings via the gear icon at the bottom.
  2. Look for the "Privacy and Security" item here and tap it to see more options.
  3. In the next view, you will now find the "Phone Number" option. Tap on this as well to see more setting options.
  4. Now you will find the "Who can see my number" section at the very top. At this point, select the "Nobody" item to hide your number from all users. Alternativ wählen Sie Ihre Kontakte aus.
  5. Weiter unten stehen noch weitere Möglichkeiten bereit, mit denen Sie einstellen können, wer Sie mit Ihrer Mobilfunknummer auf Telegram finden kann.

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