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Excel: Create a checkbox - here's how to do it

Checkboxes are essentially there to confirm a certain field and thus trigger another action if necessary. Checkboxes are also regularly used in Excel. However, to create such a checkbox in the spreadsheet program, a little preparatory work is necessary.

Excel: How to enable checkbox option

By default, checkboxes are not present in Excel. To enable them, you must first go to the developer tools and customize an option.
  1. Start Excel and click on the top left on the "File" entry.
  2. In the new menu, you will now find the "Options" item, under which you click on the "Customize ribbon" entry.
  3. Now you will find a box in the right pane, in which you put a check mark at Developer tools.
  4. Finally confirm the process with "OK".

Excel: Insert checkbox in the table

  1. If you now want to create a checkbox in a field, you must first select it.
  2. Now switch to the upper area and select the "Developer Tools" tab.
  3. From the ribbon, select "Insert" and navigate to "Form Elements". Setzen Sie dort einen Haken bei dem Symbol für Checkboxen.
  4. Klicken Sie nun mit der Maus in ein Feld, platzieren Sie in der oberen Ecke eine Checkbox.
  5. Über einen Rechtsklick auf das Feld mit der Checkbox können weitere Einstellungen vorgenommen werden.

By Lorilyn Zielinski

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