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Excel: Insert a checkbox - how to add an option

In Excel, Microsoft's spreadsheet program, you can create a checkbox (multiple options can be checked) or an option button (one option can be selected). To do this, use the developer tools, but you have to activate them first.

How to insert a checkbox in Excel

To insert a checkbox, you first need to activate the developer tools in Excel.
  1. Go to "File" > "Options" > "Customize ribbon" and activate the "Developer tools" option here. Then close the window with "OK". It should now appear at the top of the bar the umbrella term "Developer Tools".
  2. In the developer tools click on "Insert" and then further on the small circle with the dot in the middle if you want to create a radio button. If you want to create a checkbox, click on the box with the check mark in the middle.
  3. Now, if you want to change the text of your checkbox, right-click on it and select "Change text".
  4. If you want a different format, select "Format controls" from the right-click menu. Hier können Sie alle möglichen Einstellungen vornehmen, unter anderem die Füllung und Kontur oder ob das Element am Anfang markiert oder nicht markiert sein soll.
  5. Wenn Sie eine Checkbox wieder löschen möchten, markieren Sie diese und drücken Sie danach auf die „Entfernen“-Taste.

By Blaseio Pulanco

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