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Excel: Insert time - this option are available

When you enter data into a worksheet in Excel, in many cases it is necessary to specify the current date. Especially when creating statistics and progressions over a period of time, this is necessary. In Excel, you have the option to insert the time as well as the date.

How to insert the time in Excel

Inserting the time in Excel is identical on different operating systems, with minor exceptions. If you insert the clock into a cell, then it is classified as static, because the value is not reloaded when the worksheet is recalculated or opened.
  1. Open the desired worksheet on your computer.
  2. Then select the cell where you want to insert the date or time.
  3. To insert the current time, press the key combination "Ctrl" + "Shift" + ";". If you want to add the date instead, then you need the key combination "Ctrl" + ";".
  4. To insert the date and time at the same time, press the key combination for the date, then the space bar and then the combination for the time.
  5. If you also want to change the displayed format of the time or date, select the cell with the right mouse button. Then press the "Format cells" option.
  6. Switch to "Number". Under "Category" now click on "Date" or on "Time". Here you can select a desired "Type" and confirm with "Ok".

By Hodges Maenpaa

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