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Proxy server refuses to connect: What you can do

If you get the error message "Proxy server refuses to connect", something is misconfigured in your proxy settings. You change this in Windows in the Control Panel, or in certain cases as a Firefox user, in your browser.

Causes and solutions for proxy server refusing to connect

If you have accidentally set the wrong proxy server setting, even though you may not be using proxies at all, you may experience problems loading websites. Before doing so, however, check whether you have installed an extension in your browser, such as FoxyProxy, which automatically makes changes to the settings. If errors occur, you should first disable such extensions.
  1. Open the Control Panel. Press the Windows key, type "Control Panel" and click on the corresponding entry.
  2. Switch to the "Internet Options" menu and then to "Internet Options".
  3. Click here on the "Connections" tab and then on the "LAN Settings" button.
  4. Set a check mark here for "Automatically detect settings" and save with "OK".

Firefox: Websites don't load because proxy server refuses to connect

In some cases, Firefox users may experience a change in proxy settings after an update. Follow these steps to solve the problem.
  1. Start Firefox and open the settings in "Tools".
  2. Switch to "Advanced" and click "Settings..." in the "Network" tab in the "Connections" section.
  3. Aktivieren Sie dann das Häkchen bei "Proxy-Einstellungen des Systems verwenden".
  4. Speichern Sie die Einstellungen mit "OK".

By Cia Bestine

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