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Pinterest: Download images - this option is available

On Pinterest you have the option to post images on your own pinboard. This makes it possible to share your hobbies and interests with other people. If you want to download an image from a pinboard, then this is quite possible. For this, it is necessary that you are logged in with your account.

How to download images from Pinterest

In order to use Pinterest, you first need an account. Then you can create your own pinboards by topic with images and photographs and share them with other users as needed. When you see a suitable image on a pinboard, you can download it. For this, however, you need an account and must be logged in.
  1. If you are logged in to Pinterest via your browser, first navigate to the image you want to download.
  2. Then click on it to display it in large view.
  3. Now select the icon with the three horizontal dots. In the opened menu, you can now select the option "Download image".
  4. Formally, the image is then saved in the download folder of your computer, if you have not specified an alternative folder.
  5. If you access Pinterest with your smartphone, then first open the app and also switch to the image. Again, you will see three dots in the large view, which leads you to the menu with the option Download image.
  6. On Android devices, the downloaded image is saved in the gallery, on the iPhone in "Photos".

By Babb Molter

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