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Delete saved WLAN connections

When you start a new job, at university or when you move, you need to set up your WLAN again. In doing so, you may face problems if you have a lot of old WLAN connections stored on your devices. We tell you how to delete them.

How to delete your saved WLAN connections

Often network problems of your device are caused by too many saved connections. Therefore, you should delete useless WLAN profiles regularly.
  1. Open the command bar by pressing the combination of "Windows key" and "R".
  2. Now you have to type "cmd" into the input field and confirm the input.
  3. You will see a black window. Type there the command "netsh wlan show profiles" and confirm the input again.
  4. Before you opens a list with all existing networks to which your PC already had access.
  5. Now enter the command "netsh wlan delete profile name = "XXX"". Replace the X with the name of the WLAN network.
  6. As soon as you press "Enter", the profile you specified is deleted.
  7. Now display the overview of known profiles again. Die gelöschte Verbindung sollte nicht mehr auftauchen.
  8. Gehen Sie so weiter vor, bis alle unnötigen WLAN-Verbindungen entfernt wurden.

Darauf sollten Sie achten

Legen Sie sich eine Liste mit den WLAN-Verbindungen an, die Sie wirklich benötigen. So verhindern Sie, dass Sie ein notwendiges Netzwerk versehentlich entfernen. Um den Prozess zu vereinfachen, sollten Sie die aktuelle WLAN-Verbindungen vorab trennen.

By Feriga

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