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Reconquista Internet: What is it and who is behind it?

The name Reconquista Internet caused a stir in spring 2018 and quickly made the rounds on the German-language web. We take a look at the background and purpose of the campaign.

Reconquista Internet was conceived as a counterweight to right-wing propaganda networks.

Jan Böhmermann is always good for headlines. With Reconquista Internet, the presenter reached around 60,000 people.

Reconquista Internet: That's the goal of the movement

Reconquista Internet was launched by TV presenter and satirist Jan Böhmermann:
  • The name translates as the "reconquest of the Internet."
  • Reconquista Internet was intended as a kind of online civil rights movement, with the aim of reducing negative facets such as political extremism and hatred on the net.
  • In this regard, the movement aims to its counterpart in terms of both name and content: Reconquista Germanica exists since 2017 and is presented as a satirical project, but is in fact a network of right-wing extremists.
  • Actively appeared Reconquista Internet, in which it targeted and after consultation against hate comments in social media. Discord was used as a central organization point.
After the initial months, it became quieter around Reconquista Internet, but the Twitter account is still very active. Genauere Inhalte der Bewegung finden sich außerdem auf der offiziellen Seite hassreport.de, die von Reconquista Internet betrieben wird.

By Vikki Twichell

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