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Improve Upload: What you can do

When you want to upload data, it usually takes much longer than if you download the same amount of data from the Internet. There are several ways to make sure that uploading data is faster. Test which option works for you.

Reasons for slow upload

If you want to share a lot of photos, longer videos or just large files with other people, you need to upload this data to the Internet first. Depending on your internet connection and tariff with your provider, this can take quite a long time. This is mainly because the bandwidth in the residential tariffs of most Internet providers is used asymmetrically. This means that the download speed is usually much higher than the upload speed. The reason for this is that internet providers assume that normal internet users usually download much more data than they upload.

These are some ways to improve your upload

  1. Contact your internet provider and switch to a tariff with higher bandwidth. This will improve your download speed and also your upload speed.
  2. Check if your internet provider offers a tariff with symmetrical upload and download speed and switch to one of these tariffs. Note: This will improve your upload speed, however, if the bandwidth remains the same, your download speed will also deteriorate.
  3. Compress your data before you start the upload, for example, by changing the file format or resolution.
  4. Verringern Sie die Datenmenge, indem Sie die entsprechenden Dateien in ein komprimiertes Archiv packen.
  5. Checken Sie, ob andere Anwendungen, die auf Ihrem Gerät laufen, Upload-Bandbreite beanspruchen und beenden Sie diese gegebenenfalls.

By Edin Lynas

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