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Key combination dot - how to set punctuation

When writing text, a dot is not just a dot. So not only the usual point at the end of a sentence or a colon can be used, also midpoints and ellipses are used. So that you do not have to search for these, there are various keyboard shortcuts in the operating systems.

These are the keyboard shortcuts for various points

If you want to set more than the "usual" points within your document, they are not on your keyboard. For this, however, the individual operating systems have remedied and introduced key combinations with which, for example, ellipses or centered points can be set.
  • The normal point to end a sentence as well as the colon you can conveniently create from your keyboard.
  • For ellipses, that is, three consecutive points, hold down "Alt" on Windows and enter the numbers "0133" via the numeric keypad. If you have a Mac, then the key combination consists of "⌥" and "ü". On Linux, on the other hand, you must use the keys "Alt GR" and ".".
  • To insert a centered point, that is, a midpoint, use the "Alt" key and the number sequence "0183" on Windows. On a Mac, press the "Up Arrow", "⌥" and "9" keys. On Linux, use the shortcut "Alt GR" and ",".
  • If you want to insert this centered point as a bullet point in bold in your text, then use the "Alt" key and the digits "0149" on Windows. On your Mac, the "⌥" and "Ü" keys are necessary for this. Under Linux, the keys "Ctrl", "arrow up", "U" and the number combination "2022" are needed.

By Suzy Lofredo

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