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Open EPS file - with these programs it is possible

An EPS is a graphics file written in PostScript. An EPS file contains object, raster graphics, and separation data. For the most part, the format has already been replaced by PDF, but you may still encounter a file of this type.

How to open EPS files

EPS files were introduced by Adobe in 1987 and used for object, raster graphics and separation data. The abbreviation means 'Encapsulated PostScript', and the corresponding graphics file is written in PostScript, a page description language. If you want to open the file, you have several options to choose from.
  1. If you want to use Word to open the file, you can do so using the "Insert" function. First, open a new document. Then go to "Insert" > "Graphic" > "Insert graphic from file". Now select the EPS file and click "Open".
  2. Alternatively, you can also use an open source office program. Again, open the EPS file via the "Insert" option.
  3. Another option is to use Photoshop. You can then import the EPS file into a Photoshop document using the File menu. Wählen Sie hierfür den Eintrag „Platzieren“ aus.
  4. Möchten Sie dagegen Gimp verwenden, benötigen Sie ein passendes EPS-Plugin, um die Datei öffnen zu können.
  5. Über Adobe Illustrator öffnen Sie die Datei problemlos. Hierfür müssen Sie lediglich über das Menü auf „Öffnen“ klicken und anschließend die entsprechende Datei auswählen.

By Wunder Jenerette

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