What does clickbait mean - and why is it so prevalent?
The term clickbait is not uncommon on the Internet, as this strategy is frequently used. Our guide explains what the term means and why it is gaining so much traction.
Apparently tempting: clickbait stands for lures thanks to which Internet users are supposed to click on content.
On many websites, such as news magazines or news sites, the goal is clicks, i.e. visitors who find their way to the site. To generate these, clickbait is often used.What does clickbait mean?
Clickbait means "click bait". Visitors are to be lured to click on the page or on a particular post.- This usually happens with the help of the headline. By this is designed deliberately lurid, the content behind it seems all the more exciting and interesting - and that stimulates to click.
- In truth, however, the information content is much less spectacular. However, the visitor learns this only after he has made the click. The goal of clickbaiting is already achieved at this point.
- Clickbait is not prohibited, but is considered an unsightly, often even unserious method to generate visitors at any price.
- The use should therefore be well considered: Although clickbaiting works reasonably well, but many Internet users are not good to speak on it - as a result, the reputation of the site can sink.