Instagram testa una nuova funzione: diremo addio ai link in bio

Instagram offre i link nelle Stories solo agli utenti con oltre 10.000 follower, ma con la nuova funzione in arrivo anche tutti gli altri potranno dire addio ai link in bio


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Instagram sta testando una nuova funzione che potrebbe farci presto dire addio ai link in bio. The platform has decided to introduce stickers dedicated to links, a different from the methodology now used, namely the swipe-up, and to make it available to everyone without any constraint related to the amount of followers.

The news of the integration was spread by The Verge after receiving confirmation from Vishal Shah, Head of Product at Instagram. The idea, according to the statements of the representative of the application mainly dedicated to photo and video sharing, is to test the use that users make of direct links to the outside, to understand what are the most visited contents and if, in some way, the feature is used to spread the much-feared fake news. According to Shah, the feature will be placed exclusively in Stories where it is intended to remain, at least until otherwise ordered.

Instagram, how links work in Stories

As anticipated, the new links placed in Instagram Stories will have a different mechanism than what we've seen so far. It will not be necessary to swipe up to access the linked content, but instead you can use stickers to be applied to images or clips shared.

Making the tap on the graphic element, the platform will automatically open the browser of the device, referring the user to the linked external web page. The sticker is clear in its nature: it is the destination URL address, preceded by a stylized icon in the shape of a chain, in line with the very concept of link.

So, it will become possible to link the single story with a specific webpage, avoiding having to rely on the link in the bio to be changed every time, leaving in fact the oldest references in the captions of the photos uncovered.

Instagram, how to insert links now

Currently, only the profiles with more than ten thousand followers have the function provided to reach external sites; in addition to them, there are the verified that are, in many cases, accompanied by a large number of people in tow. Often left out are educators, activists and figures who cannot count on many fans but who would benefit from the opportunity to refer to insights hosted on the other side of the Instagram wall.

With this possibility, the app takes a step in the same direction as TikTok which, just a few days ago, introduced the so-called Jump. The "jumps" allow users to link to external applications, including Wikipedia pages and other destinations that, however, must first be screened and accepted by the social (thus excluding the direct connection a priori with any website).

Instagram, when will the feature arrive

The stickers are not yet public, since for the moment Instagram has chosen to carry out its own tests with a small group of people. Completed the tests, they will be able to peep among the tools of all users: we just have to wait and keep using the link in bio.