Pasqua, le truffe online sono nell’uovo. Come difendersi


La fantasia degli hacker sembra giovare dell’aria fresca della primavera per confezionare perfide truffe di Pasqua

Tra pranzi in famiglia e scampagnate con gli amici, la Pasqua coincide con quel momento dell’anno nel quale si tira un po’ il fiato dal solito tran tran quotidiano. Per prendersi un po’ di tempo per sé e per stare insieme alle persone a cui teniamo di più.

E parte di questo tempo lo trascorriamo inviando messaggi, scattando foto e aggiornando lo status dei nostri profili social. Insomma, lo smartphone è diventato parte integrante (anche) dei festeggiamenti pasquali. Lo sanno bene i cybercriminali, che provano a sfruttare a loro vantaggio questa tendenza per mettere a segno qualche truffa telematica via smartphone. As research shows, smartphones have become the target of hacker attacks of all kinds, from "simple" malware infections to more complex attempts to steal data and information contained within them.


To avoid finding an Android virus or cell phone scam in your Easter egg, it is best to be on your guard and protect your device from possible cyber attacks. G DATA Mobile Internet Security, for example, provides protection against viruses and dangerous apps and "watches your back" while you surf online, fending off phishing and other attack attempts.

Fake Charity

Before being a time to meet and gather, Easter is one of the most important holidays in the Christian calendar. It should come as no surprise, then, if hackers try to take advantage of the goodwill of Internet users by sending messages from supposed charitable organizations asking for support for an unspecified humanitarian cause. Whoever the sender is, don't click on any of the links in the message - in case it's a phishing attempt, you risk "giving away" your personal data (including your credit card number, perhaps) to cyber criminals. This doesn't mean that you should give up online charity: access the official portals of the various humanitarian organizations you usually support and make your donation through the channels suggested by them.

Greeting cards

In the same way, be extremely careful with the greetings you receive for Easter: behind an animated card there might be a virus or a phishing attempt. Whether it's a message you receive on an instant messaging app or an email, it doesn't matter: digital greeting cards can be the proverbial "smoke and mirrors" crafted by clever cyber criminals.

Memo Scam

As cute as they are dangerous, photos of lambs, sheep and other "cute" puppies can be exploited by hackers to get you to click on infected links or visit malicious portals. In short, another scam attempt that could cost you dearly, more than you can imagine.

Scams... in flight

Many see Easter vacations as the best time of year to go away and "unplug". Others, cyber criminals in particular, see it as yet another opportunity to orchestrate online scams against those who would like to find a cheap airline ticket or rent a vacation home. In short, if you are not careful, you risk turning the Easter vacations into a real nightmare. To prevent this from happening, you just need to take a few small steps: always book through the official apps, rely on well-known services and be wary of offers that seem too good to be true.

All-round protection

Our smartphones hold precious memories, data and information about everything that concerns us. That's why hackers and cybercriminals are coming up with more and more elaborate attack and scam attempts, at Easter as well as any other day of the year. Protecting your smartphone, and all the data it contains, should be one of your top priorities: thanks to applications like G DATA Mobile Internet Protection, on promotion until April 4 with a 50% discount, you'll have a 360° protection suite, made up of advanced tools and technologies for the defense of your cell phone and everything stored inside it.

In collaboration with GData
