Bios Urn, the smart pot to grow trees at home

Thanks to this particular smart pot, equipped with sensors for plant growth, it will be much easier to have saplings even inside the house Having plants in the house, especially if you want to grow a small sapling, is no small feat. You have to be careful about humidity and sunlight. Not to mention many … Read more

Sony PlayStation 5: the record is official

According to NPD, a U.S. market research company, PS5 is the best-selling console ever in absolute terms in the first month after launch Record numbers for Sony PlayStation 5. The new console of the Japanese giant, available on the market for just a few weeks and already unobtainable due to high demand, has completely shattered … Read more

Come trovare la migliore offerta internet per Smart Working

Lo smart working è diventato la modalità di lavoro unica per un numero sempre maggiore di lavoratori, in particolar modo da quando è iniziata l’emergenza coronavirus, e potrebbe protrarsi ancora nei prossimi mesi.  Per questo motivo, trovare una buona connessione Internet casa, che permetta di navigare dalla propria abitazione senza alcuna limitazione risulta estremamente importante, … Read more

Hopping bot, the robot created by Disney that looks like Tigger

Out of the Pittsburg research labs, it is able to hop and regain balance autonomously, without the intervention of a human controller Not just cartoons. While waiting to know whether or not it will buy Twitter (many, by now, claim that the marriage will not take place) Disney amazes a bit ‘all releasing the video … Read more