How to automatically activate dark mode on Android at sunset

With Android 10, the dark theme has arrived on the green robot’s smartphones. Here’s what you need to do to activate it from dusk to dawn Among the many new features of the Android 10 mobile operating system there’s also the dark theme, the famous Dark Mode that Google has introduced by popular demand directly … Read more

Samsung, which smartphones will receive updates for 3 years

Samsung has announced that it will offer support for updates to new versions of Android for its Galaxy smartphones for the next 3 years: here are which ones they will be The fragmentation of operating systems is one of the biggest problems of Android. If smartphone manufacturers usually guarantee to update to only two versions … Read more

IPhone senza antitaccheggio negli Apple Store, ecco come

L’esperimento è partito da Londra dove Apple ha implementato un sistema di sicurezza alternativo, basato sulle videocamere di sicurezza Immaginate di poter prendere in mano un iPhone e spostarlo liberamente dentro un Apple Store senza che scatti l’allarme. Un sogno? Non proprio. Apple infatti sarebbe pronta a rimuovere quei noiosissimi cavi bianchi che ancorano i … Read more