Beaches increasingly digital: sunbed and umbrella can be booked with a click

Thanks to the platform you can book sunbed and umbrella days in advance. And managers can take advantage of benefits at 360 °

The digital transformation invades the beaches of our country. It happens more and more often, in fact, that the managers of the beaches offer Wi-Fi Internet access to their users and other services usable by smartphone. But this is only one side of the coin: as it has been happening for a long time for accommodation facilities and restaurants, today it is possible to book a place on the beach directly from a PC or smartphone. And days in advance.

The merit of web platforms such as, a portal created by a team of young entrepreneurs from Romagna that today allows thousands of Italians to reserve a place on the beach well in advance, even if they are hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

Come prenotare lettino e ombrellone dallo smartphone: il caso

La piattaforma italiana è caratterizzata da un’interfaccia semplice e intuitiva, che consente agli utenti di trovare facilmente la spiaggia che meglio si adatta alle proprie necessità e di filtrare i risultati in base ai servizi offerti. Prenotare lettino e ombrellone online, grazie a, è estremamente semplice: basteranno pochi click (e una manciata di secondi) per trovare un arenile in linea con le proprie aspettative e riservarsi un posto sul bagnasciuga.

mockup-gestionale-pc.jpgFonte foto:

Perché gli italiani prenotano la spiaggia online

Una tendenza, quella delle prenotazioni online di lettino e ombrellone, in rapida crescita in tutto il Paese. The data released by speak for themselves: in June 2021 the platform recorded an increase in bookings of 350% compared to the same month in 2020, reaching 45,000 bookings with an average expenditure of 52 euros per order.

In particular, the regions of the Adriatic coast are the main players: in Puglia bookings have grown by 500%, in the Marche and Abruzzo by 400%. Same growth also for Liguria, first region of the Tyrrhenian coast. Among the provinces most searched and booked, however, on the podium there are Naples (24%), La Spezia (19%) and Gorizia (8%), followed by Bari, Lecce, Salerno and Ravenna (5%), Rimini and Ancona (3%) and Savona and Pescara (2%).

The reasons for this growth are more than obvious: allows you to organize your vacation easily and immediately, allowing you to reserve a place in your favorite beach resort weeks or months in advance. An extremely convenient way, which allows you to book and pay from your PC or smartphone, without the need to bring cash to the beach. single platform, double advantage

As Niccolò Para, co-founder of, points out, the platform offers advantages both to managers of bathing establishments and to their customers. The former will be able to enjoy a 360-degree management system, which allows them to track the tourist's entire stay, from daily entries to all additional services. "Thanks to a real situation of the occupation of the establishment - adds Niccolò Para - the manager can, for example, activate flexible pricing policies based on seasonality and occupation, so as to have prices in line with demand". All seasoned with a pinch of Artificial Intelligence, which makes it possible to better manage bookings, satisfy customer needs and avoid errors.

Users, on the other hand, can easily plan their beach vacation, being able to choose from dozens of establishments throughout Italy. Taking advantage of the internal search engine, they will be able to find the location most in line with their needs and requirements, thus avoiding to book "in the dark". Browsing through the details of each facility in the database, it will be possible to discover the services available and, consequently, make an informed choice.

Online bookings boost beach attendance

The practical advantages provided by translate, for facility managers, into economic benefits. As explained by the co-founder of the platform, those who have used the online booking system of have seen an average increase in the number of presences of 25% compared to 2020, both on weekdays and on weekends. Those who have adopted the management system created in Rimini, therefore, have not only been able to optimize the processes of booking and verification of attendance at the beach, but have also enjoyed real economic advantages over direct competition.

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