Facebook Live: social live streams hostage to porn and pirated movies

Born as another opportunity to share content with your contacts, Facebook's live streaming is taking an unexpected turn. Or are they?

You just have to take a tour of the Live Map, the map where you can find all the live streams going on on Facebook, to understand that something is wrong. If during the average day everything seems to go smoothly - with live streaming of school lessons, professional courses and walks with the dog - it's towards late evening and during big events that things change.

Suddenly, the dots on the map start to multiply, becoming bigger and bigger (a sign that the number of connected users is growing). The reason is easy to say: behind those dots, in the vast majority of cases, there is content that is not in line with the terms of use of Facebook Live. It's about, as you'll find out jumping from one end of the world to the other looking for the most viewed live broadcast, copyrighted content, such as movies, soccer matches and other sporting events, or streaming of porn videos or otherwise vaguely erotic flavor.

Window for camgirl

As pointed out by several parties, in fact, the live streaming on Facebook is almost turning into a sort of global showcase - easily accessible - for camgirls or aspiring ones. In many cases, in fact, the hard "show" starts right on Facebook Live and then continues on external portals. The links are easily found in the descriptions of the videos or among the very first comments to the live video: in this way, users are "diverted" to other platforms where they will be asked to pay a sum of money to be able to continue to watch the live streaming.

The solution in artificial intelligence?

The social network of Mark Zuckerberg, of course, is already working to counter the phenomenon and intends to rely on artificial intelligence to block live broadcasts of porn videos or copyrighted content after a few seconds. The algorithm against porn on Facebook would be working by the team led by Joaquin Candela and would be able to recognize any type of multimedia content that does not comply with the terms of use of Facebook.