Green pass Covid, perché non sarà su app IO

Il Garante per la Privacy ha detto no all'utilizzo dell'app IO per il Green Pass Covid, ma non sarà un addio: cosa è stato deciso per il certificato vaccinale


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

A poche settimane dall’annuncio è giunto l’ok del Garante per la Privacy sul green pass, il certificato vaccinale che consentirà di spostarsi e viaggiare in Italia e in Europa, oltre che a partecipare a manifestazioni sportive e feste. An application that should have hosted the documentation, however, at the moment has been stopped: we are talking about IO.

If at first it was feared the possibility of using it together with "Immuni", the software dedicated to the tracking of contagions, now the app developed by PagoPA will have to solve several problems to be able to help to exhibit their Green Pass Covid. Due to important criticalities found, the Guarantor has decided to ban it in order to protect the personal information of citizens stored in it. Obviously this is not a final farewell, but a transitional phase already under consideration by the technicians, who are working to manage the situation and resolve it as soon as possible.

Because the green pass Covid will not be on IO

Based on the "no", reads the communication of the Authority, there is the request to "temporarily block some data processing carried out through the above mentioned app that provide for the interaction with the services of Google and Mixpanel, and that involve a transfer to third countries (eg.

It was therefore the lack of approval, related to the transfer of information outside the EU, that triggered the veto on IO, an application used by more than 11 million Italians to communicate with the Public Administration. This is not a novelty, since already in 2020 the Guarantor had pointed the finger against such procedures, making available the indications to make the application compliant with current regulations.

Green Pass Covid, how to download it

Although to use the Green Pass it will be necessary to wait for the green light to exploit the functionalities of IO, the certificate will be in any case available through other digital tools. Citizens will in fact be able to use the aforementioned Immuni app, the Electronic Health Record and the website of the National Platform-DGC (digital green certificate). In addition to these, family doctors and pharmacies will be the reference points for downloading the certification.

In this way, it will be possible to prove possession of the green pass on all those occasions that require it, including travel in critical areas, i.e. Red and Orange Regions, taking part in public sporting events and weddings, going abroad from July 1 when the EU process will be completed. To obtain it, you need one of the conditions between having completed the vaccine prophylaxis provided by the serum administered, received a negative result of the swab or certification of recovery from infection by Covid-19.

The certifications will have to be checked with the app VerificaC19, the only one able to attest the validity of the green pass in line with the protection of privacy. The Guarantor, moreover, points out that EU member states can ask to show the document also for other purposes but only if regulated by a rule at national level.