Guide to Aruba’s cloud solutions: features and benefits


Aruba is the largest Italian cloud provider. It offers different solutions depending on the needs of professionals and companies. Here's how to choose

In this context, relying on a flexible and reliable service becomes crucial. The Aruba Business division offers various Cloud solutions and a series of specific advantages for resellers and IT operators.

What is the cloud and why is it important for companies

Cloud computing, which in Italian translates as "cloud computing", is the technology that allows the provider to deliver on demand a series of services to the end customer through the use of the network: from data storage, processing and transmission. Tutto avviene a partire da una serie di risorse disponibili da remoto.

Il cloud rappresenta quindi un’occasione unica, ma per sfruttarla al meglio occorre scegliere con molta attenzione il provider, che deve offrire soluzioni personalizzabili, scalabili, ma anche stabili e sicure. Senza contare l’importanza di poter contare su prezzi agevolati e un Supporto Clienti professionale e disponibile.

Tra le diverse realtà a cui fare riferimento, spicca Aruba, il più grande Cloud provider italiano, che attualmente gestisce 130 mila server tra fisici e virtuali. Aruba Business, società del gruppo Aruba si rivolge nello specifico a rivenditori e operatori IT che possono anche affiliarsi al Programma Partner, che assicura ancora più vantaggi. Vediamo le caratteristiche dei servizi Cloud.

109336055_lel.jpgFonte foto: 123rf

Servizi Cloud di Aruba Business: caratteristiche

Aruba Business offre diversi prodotti Cloud:

  • Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS): Public Cloud, Private Cloud e Hybrid Cloud
  • Platform As A Service (PAAS): Jelastic Cloud, Plesk WordPress Toolkit e Database as a Service
  • Service Management, ovvero i Servizi Managed, mirati al controllo dei server aziendali
  • Storage, cioè il Cloud Object Storage, che garantisce un sistema di archiviazione scalabile
  • Backup, ovvero il Cloud Backup finalizzato alla conservazione sicura dei dati
  • Monitoring, cioè il Cloud Monitoring: servizi di monitoraggio per siti web, cloud server e server dedicati

Le soluzioni sono pensate per aziende di qualsiasi tipologia e dimensione, dalle startup alle grandi aziende, passando naturalmente per le pmi.

Some products have a monthly fee (like Cloud VPS and Private Cloud) others work with a pay-per-use model, so you only pay for the resources used by the virtual machines on an hourly basis.

All the details about Aruba Business Cloud solutions are available on the official website. But what exactly is Aruba Business and what differentiates it from Aruba?

Aruba Business and Partner Program: what it is about

Aruba Business was born in 2015 and is aimed at operators and resellers in the IT sector, so web agencies, software houses, system integrators, freelancers, web masters, consultants and professionals in the industry. They are entrepreneurs and professionals who need flexible, scalable and secure services, but also a real Business Partner that supports them at a technological level in the delivery of their Services to end users.

Aruba Business therefore offers a wide range of ad hoc services to develop different aspects of the business: in addition to Cloud solutions, you can also buy Cloud Hosting Service, Domains and Data Center solutions.

All activities are managed from a single management panel (purchases, customer master data, payments, purchases etc.).

In addition to the tool, professionals can also count on a Technical and Commercial Support, formed not by generic operators, but by technicians who know the matter deeply, able to speak the same language of the interlocutor and provide a consulting service, in order to solve any problem in the shortest possible time.

Whoever wants to, can then join the Aruba Business Partner Program, a project designed for resellers who are looking for a reliable partner, who can guarantee the best prices on the market and 24/7 technical support.

In short, we are in front of a reality that does not just provide the service, but offers IT professionals all the solutions they need to grow their business.