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Valheim: These cheats exist - an overview

For those who find normal game progress too slow or tedious, there are also suitable cheats for Valheim. Our guide explains which shortcuts are available and how to use them.

Powerful codes: Cheats make the game easier in virtually all areas.

First, you need to press "F5" in the game to open the console. Then type "imacheater" and press "Enter" - the cheat mode is activated.

Valheim: Cheats for all situations and purposes

We had already explained the cheat for revealing the map here. The following codes show exemplary, which possibilities cheats also offer you in Valheim:
  • "help": This is probably the most important cheat, as it lists the codes for all available cheats.
  • This includes, for example, "god", which activates the powerful God Mode.
  • With "tame" you tame all tameable animals in the environment.
  • "killall" kills all enemies nearby.
  • With "sleep" you skip the current day.
  • "randomevent" starts one of the NPC events.
These examples already underline how powerful cheats are and that there is a suitable code for every need. However, keep in mind that the long-term motivation can suffer. Sie sollten die Cheats deshalb nur aktivieren, falls Sie sich der Konsequenzen bewusst sind.

By Sher

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