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Mac: Set Autostart Programs - how to do it

When you start your Mac, some programs are loaded immediately, so at least in the theoretical sense you get saved a little work and start using them faster. In practice, however, it is usually the case that many programs are not used and therefore only slow down the startup of the Mac.

Mac: Set Autostart programs - this is how

The Autostart can be customized very easily, unlike in Windows. Already with a few clicks, you can significantly speed up your startup.
  1. Start your Mac and click in the desktop directly on the top left of the Apple icon.
  2. Now select the "System Preferences" from the new menu.
  3. Further switch to the category "Users & Groups". This can be found at the bottom right of the window with the icon of two people.
  4. You can now make settings for individual users to the autostart.
  5. First click on "Login Items" to see a list of all enabled programs.
  6. Here you can now add or remove programs.

Set autostart programs: What you should consider

  1. Among other things, various programs are there to keep software up to date and functional.
  2. Autostart programs therefore often include updaters, driver software and auxiliary software.
  3. Beachten Sie bei der Deaktivierung, dass möglicherweise manche Programme dadurch in der Funktionalität eingeschränkt werden.
  4. Sollten Sie ein Programm fälschlicherweise entfernt haben, können Sie es durch das Plus-Symbol wieder hinzufügen.

By Hobart Younghans

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