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Audible: Alternative - Listen to audiobooks in a different way

Audible gives you the opportunity to buy and download audiobooks from the download portal. In doing so, the provider has the largest selection of unabridged audiobooks available. If you still want to reach for an alternative, there are numerous other providers of audiobooks, eBooks or similar to choose from.

These alternatives to Audible are available

If you do not want to use Audible, there are still other alternatives to choose from, with which you can access numerous audiobooks.
  1. On eBook.de, as with Audible, you can access the content via the browser. Here you will find, among other things, books, ebooks and eBook Reader. The use of the service is free of charge.
  2. At Buch.de you can get books as well as numerous audio books. You can have them delivered directly to your home or download them via the website.
  3. Bücher.de is the German version of Audible. Here, too, you can download audiobooks via the browser. However, the selection is not as large as the competition, yet you will certainly find a lot of interesting content there.
  4. Another alternative is Claudio.de. Here, too, you can choose a subscription for 9.95 euros a month. Jeden Monat steht Ihnen zudem ein Frei-Download zur Verfügung. Nicht eingelöste Downloads werden in den Folgemonat mitgenommen.
  5. Auch die ARD bietet zahlreiche Hörbücher kostenlos an. Hierbei werden vor allem Hörspiele in Bezug auf verschiedene Sendungen von ARD zur Verfügung gestellt.

By Ori

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