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Planning a website - these points are important

If you want to create a website, it is advisable to plan it extensively. In doing so, you can proceed in different steps. This allows you to create even more complex pages and still keep track of everything at all times. First of all, it makes sense to think about the functions you need.

How to plan a website

If you plan to create a website, it makes sense to plan it beforehand. This way you will always keep track of the tasks that need to be done and are already done. Especially with more complex projects, it pays to have a well thought-out organization in advance.
  1. The first thing you need to think about is what features your website should have. If you have your own project, this is usually known. If it's a website for a client, discuss the content in detail. For example, consider whether you need a comment function, whether and how many images will be shown and what colors the design should have.
  2. The next step is to create a diagram of your sitemap. This is necessary to note how site users move between the pages of your website. Hierfür bietet sich die Verwendung eines Programms an oder Sie zeichnen es auf Papier auf.
  3. Um den Überblick über die noch benötigten Funktionen zu behalten, kann es sich anbieten, einzelne Karten zu beschriften und aufzuhängen. Dabei können auch eine Pinnwand oder ein Whiteboard helfen.
  4. Anschließend können Sie damit beginnen, Ihre Seite aufzubauen.

By Olney Rainesjr

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