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Scrum: Definition of done - all information

To ensure efficiency in the Scrum method used in agile project management, the definition of the completion of a work step is essential. For this purpose, work is done in sprints, which are defined by clear criteria and goals.

Explanation of terms and advantages of definition of done in Scrum

The user story is considered the starting point in the Scrum method, which helps in the implementation of a project. All the steps required for this are worked through sprints, short and clearly defined units of work. The definition of done helps in determining the exact criteria that are necessary for the completion of a sprint. In this regard, a checklist shows all the necessary steps that are considered "done" only after completion. This has the following advantages:
  • Clarity about the tasks and when they are considered completed.
  • Less costs due to revisions due to strict criteria for a "done".
  • Less misunderstandings between the development team and the customer.

Common problems with the definition of done in Scrum

  • A too strictly defined list of criteria can be counterproductive, flexibility should therefore be maintained.
  • Individual aspects within the project may have additional "done" criteria, making the processing more complex.
  • Die Definition of done sollte klar über einen Vertrag geregelt sein, da sie sonst innerhalb des Teams vielleicht nicht ernst genommen wird.

By Shiller

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