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SSD defragmenting - is it useful?

In the days of HDDs, defragmentation has been a common endeavor by which the speed of the hard disk was raised a bit again. The increased speed gave itself from arranging the data on the hard disk and removing and moving together empty storage spaces.

SSD defragment: Does it work at all then?

An SSD is significantly faster in read and write speed. The reason for this is the same, which is why defragmentation on an SSD does not work either.
  1. An HDD is separated by a read and write head in the architecture. The HDD moves back and forth as it works to retrieve or store data.
  2. An SSD, on the other hand, uses memory chips that are all on the same architecture.
  3. A defragmentation can also ensure that the data is ordered on an SSD, but such an order does not bring anything, since data is processed anyway according to a different principle.
  4. So in the end, a defragmentation only ensures the wear of the SSD.

SSD defragment: How much damage does that do?

  1. An SSD always works in fragments. Durch eine Defragmentierung würden alle Daten gezwungenermaßen auf die ersten Speicherzellen geschrieben werden.
  2. Die restlichen Zellen bleiben unbenutzt.
  3. Dadurch entwickelt sich eine unverhältnismäßig hohe Abnutzung, die die Festplatte im Endeffekt verlangsamt.
  4. Außerdem würden beim Löschen und Neuanlegen von Dateien die letzteren Zellen trotzdem belastet werden.

By Sibylle Connerton

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