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Microsoft Teams: Invite guests - how to add them

If you want to collaborate in Microsoft Teams with people who are not members of your organization, you can invite them as guests with just a few clicks. Unlike regular team members, guests have limited permissions, but they are easily sufficient for collaboration.

How to invite guests to Microsoft Teams

A team in Microsoft Teams usually includes only members of your own organization. However, if the feature is allowed by the organization, team owners and members can also invite guests.
  1. Start Teams and call up the team to which you want to invite a guest.
  2. To do this, click on the three dots next to the team name and select "Add member" from the menu.
  3. A new window will open where you can enter the guest's email address, name and other information.
  4. Once you have entered all the information, click "Add". Teams will then send an email with an invitation link to the email address you entered. If you only receive the message "No matches were found" when entering the email address, the invite feature is disabled and you will need to contact an administrator at the organization.
Also note that guests must also have a Microsoft 365 business, school, or university account to use Teams. Möchten Sie einen Gast zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder aus dem Team entfernen, funktioniert das über die Mitgliederverwaltung.

By Arlina

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