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Open a GPX file: These steps are necessary

A GPX file is a file that contains GPS data. This can be, for example, locations, routes or waypoints. With the help of the files you can exchange this data between devices. If you want to open a GPX file, then you need a suitable program for this.

How to open a GPX file

Within a GPX file you can save various GPS data. With this it is also possible to exchange locations, routes or even waypoints between devices by exporting or importing them. You can create the files via various applications or also certain websites. There are also some points to consider when opening the file.
  1. With the free program Google Earth, you can easily open and display GPX files.
  2. To do this, download the application and follow the instructions to install the program.
  3. Open Google Earth and select "File" at the top right and then "Open".
  4. In the drop-down menu, then click on "GPS".
  5. Now you can select and confirm your GPX file.
  6. Within the "GPS data import" window, activate the option "Draw lines for tracks and routes". Außerdem aktivieren Sie „Höhen an Bodenhöhe anpassen“.
  7. Haben Sie alle gewünschten Einstellungen vorgenommen, bestätigen Sie über „OK“.
  8. Die GPS-Daten werden nun direkt in Google Earth angezeigt und können gegebenenfalls abgeändert werden.

By Teddy Nekki

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