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Canon: Pictures gone - get files back

Canon is a Japanese company that has its headquarters in Tokyo. Canon is the largest camera manufacturer in the world and offers many different models. When using your Canon, your pictures may suddenly be gone, however, you can recover them.

This is what you can do if the pictures on your Canon are gone

Canon offers numerous camera models that are used in different situations. When using your Canon camera, it is quite possible that all the pictures and videos are suddenly gone. This can happen just by pressing a wrong button. Even if you have already cleared the cache, even before the data was transferred to your PC, the pictures can be gone.
  1. If you want to recover your pictures and other files, you can do so with a file recovery program like Recuva.
  2. Download the application and follow the installation wizard.
  3. Connect the Canon to your PC.
  4. After that, launch the application and follow the instructions on the home screen.
  5. Go to "All Files" > "Next". Under "In a specific location", go to "Browse" to select the camera's SD card.
  6. Click "Start" > "Enable Deep Scan". Dies kann einige Minuten dauern.
  7. Ihnen werden alle Dateien angezeigt, die Sie mit einem Klick auf „Recover“ wiederherstellen.

By Garnette Schissel

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