Revoke O2 contract - how to do it
The provider O2 offers you numerous phone and mobile contracts. If you have chosen one of the offers and subsequently seen a better offer with another provider, you can revoke the contract. Here, however, you must observe various points in order to be able to cancel the contract.
How to revoke your contract with O2
Having chosen a mobile or phone contract from O2, this is not always final. With the numerous offers that are available, it may well happen that you find a better deal. If you subsequently wish to revoke the contract at 02, you must observe a few points.- The right of revocation applies for up to 14 days. After that, an ordinary termination is necessary to terminate the contract. In this case, the respective deadlines are then also to be observed.
- If you want to revoke the contract within the 14 days, this must necessarily be done in writing. This is possible by mail or fax as well as by e-mail.
- Write in the revocation statement your full name, address and contract number. Auch die Vertragsbezeichnung wird benötigt, um diesen besser zuordnen zu können.
- Die aktuellen Adress- und E-Mail-Informationen von O2 erfahren Sie auf der Webseite des Anbieters.
- Haben Sie den Mobilfunkvertrag nicht im Internet, sondern in einem O2-Shop abgeschlossen, kann es jedoch Probleme mit dem Widerruf geben. Hierfür sollten Sie direkt beim Shop nachfragen.