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WoW Classic: Is The Burning Crusade free?

After the huge success of WoW Classic, the fan scene is now looking forward to the release of the first expansion. We explain if The Burning Crusade Classic is free and what you need to play along.

No purchase required: For The Burning Crusade Classic, you only need an active WoW subscription.

WoW Classic, the vanilla WoW re-release, required ownership of the main game and an active playtime subscription. But what about for the upcoming The Burning Crusade Classic?

The Burning Crusade Classic: Free or not?

The Burning Crusade (TBC) is deliberately keeping it simple:
  • All players who have an active WoW subscription are allowed to explore Outland in Classic mode.
  • Ownership of the original retail version of The Burning Crusade is not required.
This means that even newcomers who have never purchased World of Warcraft can get started in TBC Classic with just a subscription of 12.99 euros per month. However, access to the live servers with status Shadowlands is then not possible.

By Papst Stroik

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