Cancel your time subscription - this is how easy it works
As a rule, you can cancel your time subscription at any time to the next issue that appears. However, for the cancellation to be effective, it must be in writing. You can find out what information the cancellation letter must contain and how to cancel here.
Die Zeit: How to cancel your subscription
If you have a subscription to "Die Zeit", you will receive the newspaper delivered directly to your home every week. If you no longer wish to receive "Die Zeit," you can cancel your subscription at any time.- To cancel your subscription to "Die Zeit," you must send a written notice of cancellation to the Zeit Reader Service.
- This can be reached either by mail at the address: Die Zeit - Leserservice, 20080 Hamburg or at the following e-mail: [email protected].
- Cancellation to the fax number 040 - 42 23 70 90 is also possible.
- In the letter of cancellation, please specify the date on which you wish to terminate the subscription and state your customer number.
- If you do not know your customer number, you can ask this at the Zeit customer service.