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The Witcher - Monster Slayer: All info on the mobile hit

The world of The Witcher counts many millions of fans worldwide. Now it is represented in another game. We introduce The Witcher - Monster Slayer and explain how it looks with the Germany release.

The Witcher meets augmented reality: Monster Slayer should soon come to Germany.

For now, the mobile title has only been released in Australia. However, this is enough to get a detailed foretaste, the name The Witcher speaks for itself after all.

The Witcher - Monster Slayer: How the game works

The game concept is reminiscent of a title that was already able to conquer the gaming scene a few years ago:
  • This is Pokémon GO. The collecting game with augmented reality still exists today.
  • In the same notch hits The Witcher - Monster Slayer: you move with your phone through the real world and can hunt monsters there. The fights take place AR-typically on your display, but in front of the real background.
  • The RPG aspect of the game is important. This represents namely a difference to Pokémon GO. The Witcher - Monster Slayer is primarily about battles against monsters, not about collecting.
  • Through these battles you rise in level and become more powerful. Dabei wird das Witcher-Feeling durch Dinge wie Zauber und Tränke verstärkt.
  • Auch die beiden Schwerter – eins für humanoide Gegner, eins für Monster – sind natürlich mit von der Partie.
Das kostenlose Spiel wird auch in Deutschland erscheinen, ein genauer Termin ist allerdings noch nicht bekannt. Besitzer von iOS- und Android-Smartphones dürfen sich also freuen.

By Pascia Maskell

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