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What phone do I have? How to find out

You usually know whether your smartphone is a Huawei, an Apple or a Samsung, for example. But with so many phones to choose from, you can quickly lose track of exactly which version of the device it is, because there are a lot of differences there, too.

How to find out which cell phone you own

You can already tell from the smartphone's casing whether it is an iPhone or another cell phone model. However, especially the different models of a series cause confusion. If you do not know exactly which smartphone model you own, you have several options to find out.
  1. If you own an iPhone, you can usually tell by the apple sign on the back, but you can find out the exact version of the device via the model number.
  2. This can usually also be found on the back of the phone. In some cases, you can also find it on the original box. Also about "Settings" > "Your name" > "This device" there is the information. With the model number, you can then find out the exact version on the Apple website.
  3. For Android devices, the procedure may vary depending on the manufacturer. However, you will also learn the model number with the corresponding device name via your software. Go on the smartphone on "Settings" > "Device Information".
  4. Also here you can now find out the exact version of the device online via the model number.

By Jezreel Berlandy

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