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Google account without phone number - is it possible?

With an account at Google you can use many utilities and enjoy their benefits. However, there are some details to be provided in order to create this account in the first place. In addition, there are also various options for this, so that you can make the best choice for you.

How to create a Google account without a phone number

If you want to create a Google account, but do not need a Gmail address, then you do not need to provide a phone or mobile number. However, if you also want to create your own Gmail address during the registration process, then storing a phone number is mandatory. This serves, among other things, the security when recovering, should you have forgotten your password.
  1. In your browser, enter https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?hl=de and press "Enter".
  2. On the Google registration page, fill out the fields accordingly and then select "Use my current email address instead". So you can log into your account with your existing email address and do not need to create a new Gmail address.
  3. Now select a username and finally create a secure password.
  4. Confirm the entries with "Next".
  5. Now you get to an input screen where you can enter your phone number, but do not have to. Lassen Sie dieses Feld einfach frei und füllen Sie abschließend noch das Geburtsdatum aus.
  6. Mit einem Klick auf „Weiter“ ist der Registrierungsprozess beendet und Sie können nun die Vorzüge eines Google-Accounts in vollem Umfang in Anspruch nehmen.

By Terra

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