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Lenovo battery does not charge during mains operation

A battery that does not charge despite mains operation is annoying and can even occur with Lenovo laptops that are considered reliable. However, by checking the hardware, the battery or the driver used, you can usually quickly find the cause of the error.

How to proceed if the Lenovo battery does not charge when plugged in

The cause of the problem is often the battery itself or other hardware components. Take a step-by-step approach to find the cause of the error:
  1. Check the hardware: the connection cable and power adapter are prone to problems and should be checked for damage. Make sure all parts are firmly connected and clean the connectors if necessary.
  2. Insert and remove battery: If your Lenovo laptop has a removable battery, it may help to remove and install it.
  3. Update drivers: This is an essential step, especially for fixed batteries, to fix the problem. An outdated battery driver can cause it to no longer charge properly, despite the power supply.

If nothing else helps: Update BIOS

The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is an important component for the functionality of your laptop. An incorrect setting can lead to the battery not charging properly despite mains operation. Beim Lenovo Support finden Sie genauere Anleitungen für ein BIOS-Update Ihres Laptops.

By Hekker

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