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Upload Kindle Cover: How it works in the KDP backend

Thanks to Kindle Direct Publishing, eBooks are easier than ever to publish independently. A cover is inevitably needed for this, and our guide explains what the steps to upload are.

Not complete without a cover: Your Kindle eBooks definitely need an appealing front.

Before uploading a cover, its design is on the agenda. While this is also possible in KDP, many authors prefer external programs because they have more options. Examples can be found here.

Kindle eBook: How to upload a cover easily

The cover upload function can be found in the KDP backend as follows:
  1. Log in to KDP.
  2. Under "Bookshelf", open the "+ Kindle eBook" field if it is a new eBook. If you have already created and saved the eBook, click "Continue setup" to the right of it.
  3. There you need to get to the second section of the menu. This is called "Kindle eBook Content".
  4. Under "Kindle eBook Cover", you can upload an existing cover. Be sure to check beforehand if the cover meets the format specifications.
You can then check the cover off the to-do list. Before the eBook is published, you can always upload another cover if needed.

By Pierre

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