HOME > Gaming > Raft: How To Use Mods - Tips And Info With Instructions

Raft: How to use mods - tips and info with instructions

Mods make many a PC game better, or at least more practical. In Raft, this is even more true since the game is still in Early Access - so the finishing touches are yet to come. Mods provide a remedy in many respects.

Small and large interventions: Mods let you customize Raft.

The modding scene is also very active in Raft. And the better known the game becomes, the more mod support can be expected.

Raft: Mods not on Steam - special page needed

In Steam you will look in vain for mod support. However, this is available externally:
  • The first and best-known place to go is raftmodding.com.
  • There you need to download and install the associated mod loader.
  • After that, you can download any mods from the site and put them in the mod directory.
In the game, you open the mod manager with "F9" and can enable or disable mods. Note that there may be problems after game updates. With the mods on the page, you can therefore see whether a mod is current or "outdated".

By Mace

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