HOME > Router > Change Wlan Channel: All Info And Instructions

Change WLAN channel: All info and instructions

In WLAN, different channels are used and sometimes it can be helpful to switch to a different frequency band. Our guide explains the background and shows how you can change the channel.

Changing the WLAN channel can greatly improve bandwidth.

The required bandwidth at home continues to increase; an optimally set router is therefore all the more important.

This is how you can change the WLAN channel

In principle, changing the channel is possible with any router, but the exact way depends on the manufacturer and model, as the menu navigation is not always consistent. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to find the right place in the router menu:
  1. Access your router via the browser by entering the IP address. For FritzBox! routers, the address is simply "fritz.box".
  2. Go to the "WLAN" area in the user interface, which is always present.
  3. There, look out for sub-items such as "Radio network" or "Radio channel".
  4. Once you have found the overview of the channels, the utilization of the individual channels is displayed there. Wählen Sie einen gering genutzten Kanal, falls der aktuell verwendete viele Mitbenutzer hat.
Auf diese Weise sind häufig, wenn auch nicht immer, spürbare Verbesserungen möglich. Um die Effektivität des Kanal-Wechsels zu prüfen, können Sie einen Speedtest vornehmen, etwa im Browser oder per Handy-App.

By Jair

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