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How do I set up Firefox? Here's how to do it

In order to browse the Internet with your computer, you need a suitable browser. If you have chosen Firefox, it is necessary to set up the browser when you use it for the first time. This includes, among other things, setting security settings or downloading suitable plugins.

How to set up Firefox on your computer

If you need a new browser, Firefox is the best choice. This is one of the most popular browsers, along with Chrome. Setting up Firefox is usually done in a few steps. After the download, you can start the browser. You will then be taken directly to the start page, which already displays the Google search.
  1. To customize the start page, go to "Settings" > "General" > "Start" at the top right. Now you can make the desired changes.
  2. If you want to set the browser as the default browser so that external links are automatically opened in Firefox, you can also do this via the settings.
  3. Have you changed the browser, it is also necessary to import your bookmarks. This is done via the menu and then via "Library" and "Bookmarks". Here you can manage your bookmarks and add them via "Import and Save". Hierfür benötigen Sie die Lesezeichen aus Ihrem früheren Browser als HTML-Datei.
  4. Alternativ können Sie über den Punkt „Daten von einem anderen Browser importieren“ die Lesezeichen eines installieren Browsers übernehmen.
  5. Auch das Installieren von Add-Ons gehört beim Einrichten des Browsers dazu. Hierbei stehen Ihnen zahlreiche zur Auswahl.

By Sink Guitard

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