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Xbox One: License transfer - how it works

The license transfer on Xbox is there to share your complete game library with friends. However, this also only works up to one other person. How to use the license transfer on the Xbox, we explain here.

Information on license transfer on the Xbox One

When you buy a game on the Xbox, you get two licenses. One offline license and one online license. Usually, you only need one of the two licenses, which allows you to pass on the other.
  1. To transfer a license to another account, you must first go to the Xbox settings and navigate to "My Xbox Home Console".
  2. There you can choose between "Set as my home console" and "This is not my home console".
  3. Now the first user logs in with his gamertag on the console and selects "This is not my home console" in the settings.
  4. Now log out and let your friend log in with his own gamertag.
  5. In the options, he activates the option "Set as my home console" from.
  6. Now switch accounts again so that you have complete access to the library of the friend.
  7. Die gleichen Schritte können Sie auf einer anderen Konsole umgekehrt durchführen, damit auch Ihr Freund Zugriff auf Ihre Inhalte bekommt.
  8. Beachten Sie, dass durch das Einloggen auf einer fremden Konsole Ihre Daten hinterlegt sind. Machen Sie die Lizenzübertragung aus diesem Grund nur innerhalb des Familien- und Freundeskreises.

By Bear Bendlage

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