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Microsoft Teams status: change time - how to do it

By changing your status in Microsoft Teams, you show other participants your availability. This allows you to see at a glance whether you are currently available, busy, or absent. If you only want to change your status for a certain period of time, you can set the duration in advance on Teams.

How to change the time of Microsoft Teams status

You change the Teams status via the status bar in just a few clicks. Setting up the status duration works just as easily:
  1. Open Teams and click on your current status under the profile picture.
  2. Under the status options, click on "Duration".
  3. Now first select the status and under "Reset status after" select the time period.
  4. Select an option or set a custom time.
  5. For a custom option, you must select "Reset" under "Status" and enter a manual time and date.
  6. Click "Done" to complete the process.

How to undo status on Microsoft Teams

If you want to undo this Teams feature, simply select a new status from the list. This will cancel the previously set time period.

By Armond

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