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Microsoft Teams: time tracking - these options are available

If you want to record working hours in Microsoft Teams, you have various options. Microsoft offers an in-house solution with the Shifts app. Implemented in June 2020, the app is the successor to the previous time tracking option Microsoft StaffHub.

Time tracking with the Shift app - how it works

With the help of the Shift app, you can conveniently create a shift schedule in Teams and thus record working hours.
  1. Start Teams and log in with your user data, if necessary.
  2. Select the team in which you want to set time tracking.
  3. Click on the three dots in the navigation on the left and select the Shifts app.
  4. The Settings app will then open, where you need to select the "Create Team Schedule" option.
  5. Set the time zone and add the team members whose working time you want to record.
  6. Create a shift schedule for the added members via the calendar.
  7. Finally release the shift schedule via "Release Team".
  8. In the team overview, the team members you have added to the shift schedule can start time recording via the "Clock in" option when they start working and stop again as soon as the work is done. The working hours recorded in this way can then be viewed via the app in the shift schedule.
The integrated shifts app is available to all customers with an active Business or Enterprise subscription. Since it is possible to implement and link third-party apps in Teams, you can also access numerous alternatives, such as the ClockIt app. However, most time tracking apps also incur fees.

By Der

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